NJ Women State Cup Named in Memory of Ellen Varsallona

The NJSA Board of Director has unanimously approved  a resolution that names the NJ Women State Cup in memory of Ellen Varsallona effective immediately.


Ellen was deeply and sincerely dedicated to the development of women Soccer In NJ.


As the NJSA Registrar from the year 2000 till her sudden death in 2015, she was in constant contact with Female Teams and Players, always trying to place each of them in the appropriate program or team.


Ellen was instrumental in the formulation of many NJSA Player Registration policies and in the maintenance of all the Player Registration information in the State’s database.


Under her direction and advise, the Player Registrations database was carried into the next level of Online Registration thru the NJSA Website.


Always a fighter, she was extremely resilient and would never give up in front of any difficulty: she would always find a common sense solution to any problem. She would never give up in front of any difficulty.


Always strict in applying the Registration policies, she was also very helpful with teams and players that had difficulties in understanding the Registration process and, whenever she could, she was also ready to help anyone.


Ellen was completely dedicated to the NJSA and the GSSL. She understood the difficulties of keeping and creating teams of players, and many times she went to great lengths to help any team, men or women, to get formed or to stay alive. She had her own personal list of players that were looking for a team to play on and whenever she was asked, she would reach out to those players and direct them to a needing team.

New Jersey Publicity

P.O. Box 9765
Trenton, NJ 08650
e-mail: office@njsasoccer.com
In case of emergency, please call

P.O. Box 9765
Trenton, NJ 08650
e-mail: office@njsasoccer.com
In case of emergency, please call